Tuesday 6 January 2015

Windows Xp Vienna Edition


Feature of Windows Xp Vienna Edition

  • Combination od XP and VISTA in Vienna Style.
  • Secure and Reliable
  • High performance
  • Got 25 themes abd Windows 7 visualization
  • Highly customize.
  • No need any Acvition Keys
  • Simple installation process
  • Quick louch bas added in the desktop
  • Viena Dock included

Technical setup Details of Windows Xp Vienna Edition

  • Softwere Name:Windows Xp Vienna Edition 
  • Setup File Name:Windows_XP_Vienna_Edition.iso
  • File size: 693.43 MB
  • File Type:Offline installer

System Required For Windows Xp Vienna Edition

  • Oprating system:window xp/vista/7/8
  • Memory(RAM):512 MB
  • Hard Disc space:2Gb Free space
  • Processor:intel pentium or late  

Click here To Download


Monday 5 January 2015



ZedBUzZ Pro S2a Sender + Add Fixer

ZedBUzZ Pro S2a Sender + Add




Zedbuzz Room Searcher v1.0

Zed TeaM Add Flooder Pro Ver

Desktop Fu*k3r +Pvt Flooder Without Add

1-Dc nimbuzz desktop without add(id must not be in add list)
2- login your id then add it send help for commands
3-Pvt Flood to marinda,pandion,gajjimjabbim and other clients
4-Add without accepting of your target pc user(not mobile just pc user)

Helper Bot By dsp

who are tired due to sending gifts to users again and  again.Now by using this bot you can send gift to all new entry users with welcome
and its good news its full remoter. it has following commands
1-Login Your Bot id who has Nimbukz and join it in room
2-send help in room
1- wlc.on = welcome is on
2- wlc.off = 
welcome is off
3-gift.on = sending gifts to users on entry is on
4-gift.off = sending gifts to users on entry is off   
5-pm.hi = check bot is working ?
6-addwlc.your message (addwlc.wc to kashmir)
7-addr.id = add remoter(add.dsp)
8-delr.id = delete remoter(delr.dsp)
9- show all remoters show.r
10- sendto.id = send gift to user (sendto.dsp)
11-You Can Change Code of gift gc.code (gc.cc) cc = cup of coffe

BadbuzZ MobileServer v5.0 By ToOfan

m/ID  =>   Member ID
k/id  =>   Kick ID
b/ID  =>   Ban ID
v/ID  =>   Visitor ID
unb/ID  =>   UnBanned ID
unv/ID  =>   UnVisitor ID
mod/ID  =>   Moderator ID
admin/ID  =>  Set Admin
n/ID  =>  None ID
pm/Text  Send PM
am/on  =>   Auto Member Active
am/off  =>   Auto Member Deavtive
msg/on  =>   ƒilтєя Message Active
msg/off  =>   ƒilтєя Message Deactive
id/on  =>   ƒilтєя ID Active
id/off  =>   ƒilтєя Message Deactive
wlc/on  =>   Welcome Message ON
wlc/off  =>   Welcome Message OFF
pv/on  =>   PV Message ON
pv/off  =>   PV Message OFF
ans1/on  =>   Your Auto Answer ON
ans1/off  =>   Your Auto Answer OFF
addans/Part1/Part2  =>  Add Your Auto Answer,Split{/}
**Don’t Use(# , /)in Your Auto Answer
delans/Part1/Part2  =>   Delete Auto Answer
ans2/on  =>  Default Auto Answer ON
ans2/off  =>  Auto Answer OFF
show/ans  =>  Show Your Auto Answer List
c/m  =>  Number Of Members
c/b  =>  Number Of Bans
len/Number  =>  PM Lenght
bip/id  =>  Ban IP
cp/Mode =>  (b=Ban, k=Kick, v=Visitor, n=None)
clear/ban  =>  Remove Ban List
addwlc/Text(Room(%r)) => ADD Welcome Message
delwlc/Wel Text  =>   Delete Welcome Text
pvmsg/Text  PV Message Change
addmsg/Text  Add Message(Split’/’ any Msg)
delmsg/Text  Delete Message
show/wlc  =>  Welcome List
show/msg  =>  ƒilтєя Message List
show/id  =>   ƒilтєя ID List
clear/msg  =>   Clear ƒilтєя Message List
addid/id  =>  Add ƒilтєя ID(Split’/’ any ID)
delid/id  Delete ƒilтєя ID
clear/id  =>   ƒilтєя ID Clear
rem/id  =>   Add Remoter
delr/id  =>   Remove Remoter
show/rem  =>   Remoter List
love/on  =>  LOVE Bot Active
love/off  =>  LOVE Bot Deactive
love#ID1/ID2  =>  Amount LOVE
res/on  =>  ƒilтєя Resource Active
res/off  =>  ƒilтєя Resource Deactive
addres/Res  =>  Add Resource(Split’/’ any Res)
delres/Res  =>  Delete Resource
show/res  =>  Show Res List
clear/res  =>  Clear Res List
modir/on  =>  Moderator Role Active
modir/off  =>  Moderator Role Deactive
addmod/ID  =>   Add Moderator ID
delmod/ID  =>   Delete Moderator ID
show/mod  =>   Show Moderator List
owner/ID  =>  Set Owner
pvm/on  =>   PV Member ON
pvm/off  =>  PV Member OFF
pvmmsg/Question/Answer  =>   Change PV Quiz Member
**For PV Member Type mem
sub/Text  =>  Set Room Topic
a/ID  =>  Get Avatar
mem/me  =>  For Addlist Member
roll/on  =>   Roll Game Active
roll/off  =>   Roll Game Deactive
roll  =>   Roll Game(Room User)
quiz/on  =>   Quiz Active
quiz/off  =>   Quiz Deactive
quiz/(fa or en)  =>  Change Lang
qi/ID/Score  =>   Set Score
q/m1  =>   Set Quiz Method 1
q/m2  =>   Set Quiz Method 2
qt/Seconds  =>   Quiz Time
q?/ID  =>   Score ID
quiz/res  =>  Reset Quiz
scr  =>   Score ID(Room User)
joke/on  =>  Joke Bot Active
joke/off  =>  Joke Bot Deactive
jt/Seconds  =>  Joke Time
info  =>  Bot States
bb/on  =>   BanBot Active
bb/off  =>   BanBot Deactive
ab/on  =>   Auto Ban Active
ab/off  =>   Auto Ban Deactive
akp/Text  =>   Change & Active Anti Kick PM
ak/off  =>   Anti Kick OFF
rejoin/-  =>   Rejoin
fal/on  =>  Fal Active
fal/off  =>   Fal Deactive
2p/on  =>  2Part Active
2p/off  =>  2Part Deactive
invite  =>  Send Invite to Addlist
inv/on  =>  Send Invite Online Active
inv/off  =>  Send Invite Online Deactive
p/ID  =>  Get Profile
r/Room  =>  Search Room
spb/on – off  Spy Bot
fal  =>  Get Fal(All User)
2ppm/Remote  =>   Change 2Part Request Remote
add/on  =>  Add Auto Accept Active
add/off  Auto Accept Deactive
left/room  =>  Left Room
list/owner  =>  Owner List
list/admin  =>  Admin List
**Lists Update Each 2 min.
save/-  =>  Save All Setting
load/-  =>  Load All Setting
reset/-  =>  Reset All Setting(Just Master)
baraye Join Room:
join/ID/Password/Room/Room Password
join#ID#Password#Room#Room Password
baraye sakhtan Room:
cr/ID/Password/Room Name
baraye Online kardan MobileServer:
ersal PM be admin:
pm/PM Text
daryaft remote idhaye join shode be room:
help/1 ta help/17
Remote soft:
rem/id  =>  Add Remoter
delr/id  =>  Delete Remoter
show/rem  =>  Show Remoter
show/pm  =>  Show Proffer
max/Number  =>  Maximum Join Bot(upto 1000)
maxc/Number  =>  Maximum Child Bot(upto 1000)
lmj/Number => Limit User Join Bot
lmc/Number => Limit User Child Bot
show/lim => Show Limits
j/on  =>  Join Bots Active
j/off  =>  Join Bots Deactive
ch/on  =>  Child Bots Active
ch/off  =>  Child Bots Deactive
blk/ID => Add ID To Block List
ublk/ID => Remove ID From Block List
reset/join  =>  Join Bots Reset to 0
reset/child  =>  Child Bots Reset to 0
s2a/Text  =>  Send s2a to Bot Addlist
online  =>  Online Mode
away  =>  Away Mode
dnd  =>   Busy Mode
chat  =>  Chat Mode
st/Text  =>  Change Status
ast/on  =>  Auoto Status Active
ast/off  =>  Auto Status Deactive
tst/Number  =>  Auto Status Time(Seconds)
txt/Status  =>  Add Auto Status
wlc/Text  =>   Welcome PM Change
hlp/Text  =>  Help PM Change
full/Text  =>  Full PM Change
ans/ID/Msg  =>  Send PM to Server Addlist
add/on  =>  Add Auto Accept Active
add/off  =>  Add Auto Accept Deactive
add/c  =>  Count of Addlist
save/on  =>  Save History Active
save/off  =>  Save History Deactive
his/on  =>  Send History Join Active
his/off  =>  Send Histor Join Deactive
win/on  =>  Auto Windows Startup Active
win/off  =>  Auto Windows Startup Deactive
q/on  =>  Send PM to Admin Active
q/off  =>  Send PM to Admin Deactive
rec/-  =>  Reconnect
off   =>  Offline ID
restart  =>  Restat Application and Login Again
help/admin  =>  Remoter Help
Exit  =>  Exit Application



Badbuzz Quiz Bot V1.2