Showing posts with label Nimbuzz Server Bot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nimbuzz Server Bot. Show all posts

Monday 5 January 2015

BadbuzZ MobileServer v5.0 By ToOfan

m/ID  =>   Member ID
k/id  =>   Kick ID
b/ID  =>   Ban ID
v/ID  =>   Visitor ID
unb/ID  =>   UnBanned ID
unv/ID  =>   UnVisitor ID
mod/ID  =>   Moderator ID
admin/ID  =>  Set Admin
n/ID  =>  None ID
pm/Text  Send PM
am/on  =>   Auto Member Active
am/off  =>   Auto Member Deavtive
msg/on  =>   ƒilтєя Message Active
msg/off  =>   ƒilтєя Message Deactive
id/on  =>   ƒilтєя ID Active
id/off  =>   ƒilтєя Message Deactive
wlc/on  =>   Welcome Message ON
wlc/off  =>   Welcome Message OFF
pv/on  =>   PV Message ON
pv/off  =>   PV Message OFF
ans1/on  =>   Your Auto Answer ON
ans1/off  =>   Your Auto Answer OFF
addans/Part1/Part2  =>  Add Your Auto Answer,Split{/}
**Don’t Use(# , /)in Your Auto Answer
delans/Part1/Part2  =>   Delete Auto Answer
ans2/on  =>  Default Auto Answer ON
ans2/off  =>  Auto Answer OFF
show/ans  =>  Show Your Auto Answer List
c/m  =>  Number Of Members
c/b  =>  Number Of Bans
len/Number  =>  PM Lenght
bip/id  =>  Ban IP
cp/Mode =>  (b=Ban, k=Kick, v=Visitor, n=None)
clear/ban  =>  Remove Ban List
addwlc/Text(Room(%r)) => ADD Welcome Message
delwlc/Wel Text  =>   Delete Welcome Text
pvmsg/Text  PV Message Change
addmsg/Text  Add Message(Split’/’ any Msg)
delmsg/Text  Delete Message
show/wlc  =>  Welcome List
show/msg  =>  ƒilтєя Message List
show/id  =>   ƒilтєя ID List
clear/msg  =>   Clear ƒilтєя Message List
addid/id  =>  Add ƒilтєя ID(Split’/’ any ID)
delid/id  Delete ƒilтєя ID
clear/id  =>   ƒilтєя ID Clear
rem/id  =>   Add Remoter
delr/id  =>   Remove Remoter
show/rem  =>   Remoter List
love/on  =>  LOVE Bot Active
love/off  =>  LOVE Bot Deactive
love#ID1/ID2  =>  Amount LOVE
res/on  =>  ƒilтєя Resource Active
res/off  =>  ƒilтєя Resource Deactive
addres/Res  =>  Add Resource(Split’/’ any Res)
delres/Res  =>  Delete Resource
show/res  =>  Show Res List
clear/res  =>  Clear Res List
modir/on  =>  Moderator Role Active
modir/off  =>  Moderator Role Deactive
addmod/ID  =>   Add Moderator ID
delmod/ID  =>   Delete Moderator ID
show/mod  =>   Show Moderator List
owner/ID  =>  Set Owner
pvm/on  =>   PV Member ON
pvm/off  =>  PV Member OFF
pvmmsg/Question/Answer  =>   Change PV Quiz Member
**For PV Member Type mem
sub/Text  =>  Set Room Topic
a/ID  =>  Get Avatar
mem/me  =>  For Addlist Member
roll/on  =>   Roll Game Active
roll/off  =>   Roll Game Deactive
roll  =>   Roll Game(Room User)
quiz/on  =>   Quiz Active
quiz/off  =>   Quiz Deactive
quiz/(fa or en)  =>  Change Lang
qi/ID/Score  =>   Set Score
q/m1  =>   Set Quiz Method 1
q/m2  =>   Set Quiz Method 2
qt/Seconds  =>   Quiz Time
q?/ID  =>   Score ID
quiz/res  =>  Reset Quiz
scr  =>   Score ID(Room User)
joke/on  =>  Joke Bot Active
joke/off  =>  Joke Bot Deactive
jt/Seconds  =>  Joke Time
info  =>  Bot States
bb/on  =>   BanBot Active
bb/off  =>   BanBot Deactive
ab/on  =>   Auto Ban Active
ab/off  =>   Auto Ban Deactive
akp/Text  =>   Change & Active Anti Kick PM
ak/off  =>   Anti Kick OFF
rejoin/-  =>   Rejoin
fal/on  =>  Fal Active
fal/off  =>   Fal Deactive
2p/on  =>  2Part Active
2p/off  =>  2Part Deactive
invite  =>  Send Invite to Addlist
inv/on  =>  Send Invite Online Active
inv/off  =>  Send Invite Online Deactive
p/ID  =>  Get Profile
r/Room  =>  Search Room
spb/on – off  Spy Bot
fal  =>  Get Fal(All User)
2ppm/Remote  =>   Change 2Part Request Remote
add/on  =>  Add Auto Accept Active
add/off  Auto Accept Deactive
left/room  =>  Left Room
list/owner  =>  Owner List
list/admin  =>  Admin List
**Lists Update Each 2 min.
save/-  =>  Save All Setting
load/-  =>  Load All Setting
reset/-  =>  Reset All Setting(Just Master)
baraye Join Room:
join/ID/Password/Room/Room Password
join#ID#Password#Room#Room Password
baraye sakhtan Room:
cr/ID/Password/Room Name
baraye Online kardan MobileServer:
ersal PM be admin:
pm/PM Text
daryaft remote idhaye join shode be room:
help/1 ta help/17
Remote soft:
rem/id  =>  Add Remoter
delr/id  =>  Delete Remoter
show/rem  =>  Show Remoter
show/pm  =>  Show Proffer
max/Number  =>  Maximum Join Bot(upto 1000)
maxc/Number  =>  Maximum Child Bot(upto 1000)
lmj/Number => Limit User Join Bot
lmc/Number => Limit User Child Bot
show/lim => Show Limits
j/on  =>  Join Bots Active
j/off  =>  Join Bots Deactive
ch/on  =>  Child Bots Active
ch/off  =>  Child Bots Deactive
blk/ID => Add ID To Block List
ublk/ID => Remove ID From Block List
reset/join  =>  Join Bots Reset to 0
reset/child  =>  Child Bots Reset to 0
s2a/Text  =>  Send s2a to Bot Addlist
online  =>  Online Mode
away  =>  Away Mode
dnd  =>   Busy Mode
chat  =>  Chat Mode
st/Text  =>  Change Status
ast/on  =>  Auoto Status Active
ast/off  =>  Auto Status Deactive
tst/Number  =>  Auto Status Time(Seconds)
txt/Status  =>  Add Auto Status
wlc/Text  =>   Welcome PM Change
hlp/Text  =>  Help PM Change
full/Text  =>  Full PM Change
ans/ID/Msg  =>  Send PM to Server Addlist
add/on  =>  Add Auto Accept Active
add/off  =>  Add Auto Accept Deactive
add/c  =>  Count of Addlist
save/on  =>  Save History Active
save/off  =>  Save History Deactive
his/on  =>  Send History Join Active
his/off  =>  Send Histor Join Deactive
win/on  =>  Auto Windows Startup Active
win/off  =>  Auto Windows Startup Deactive
q/on  =>  Send PM to Admin Active
q/off  =>  Send PM to Admin Deactive
rec/-  =>  Reconnect
off   =>  Offline ID
restart  =>  Restat Application and Login Again
help/admin  =>  Remoter Help
Exit  =>  Exit Application



Sunday 4 January 2015

N!mBot Server v1.2.0.1

N!mBot Server v1.2.0.1

Owned a copy of the bot server N! MBot Server v1.2.0.1
The program features:
1 – Available in more than one language
3 – to accept or reject an automatic
2 – can be determined largely saturated users
4 – can determine the extent of the total saturation bots
5 – determine the number of bots allowed per user
6 – Receiving comments from users
7 – Send a template for all users + bots
8 – Includes server commands a lot of 
9 – in the event of a user to send orders quickly be added to the blacklist
Orders to the server:
1 – Get any user Profile
p @ user
2 – change language
3 – Add a new bot
jo @ ID @ Password @ Room
jo @ ID @ Password @ Room @ PassRoom
4 – take out the bots from the room:
5 – given the rank of Honour
o @ user
6 – given the rank of supervisor
a @ user
7 – given the rank of Member
m @ user
8 – given the rank of visitor
n @ user
9 – Prohibition
b @ user
10 – expulsion
k @ user
11 – Silent
v @ user
12 – the return of the sound
u @ user
Several accounts: 
ID1 # ID2 ..
13 – change the subject of the room
sj @ Text
Example: sj @ No God but God
14 – Letter to a room
msg @ Text
15 – Enable Reports
rep @ on
16 – Disable reports
rep @ off
17 – Enable automatic membership
ma @ on
18 – Disable automatic membership
ma @ off
19 – enable welcome
wa @ on
20 – Disable welcome
wa @ off
21 – Add a welcome message
% Waa @ Welcome% u
22 – Remove the welcome message
% War @ Welcome% u
23 – get all the messages welcoming
Get @ wa
24 – A survey of all the messages welcoming
c @ wa
25 – enable farewell
fa @ on
26 – Disable farewell
fa @ off
27 – Add a farewell letter
% Faa @ Godby% u
28 – Remove a farewell letter
% Far @ Godby% u
29 – get all the messages farewell
Get @ fa
30 – A survey of all messages farewell
c @ fa
31 – Enable forbidden words
ba @ on
32 – Disable forbidden words
ba @ off
33 – Choosing the penalty ban
bat @ b
34 – Choosing Death expulsion
bat @ k
35 – Choosing Death Mute
bat @ v
36 – Add the word banned
baa @ Text
37 – Remove the word banned
bar @ Text
38 – get banned words
Get @ ba
39 – A survey of all words are banned
c @ ba
40 – Enable automatic Gifts
ga @ on
41 – Disable automatic Gifts
ga @ off
42 – Identification Code or gift code
gac @ code
43 – Add Master
addmr @ ID
44 – Remove Master
delmr @ ID
45 – get all the Master
Get @ mr
46 – A survey of all Master
c @ mr
47 – Enable automatic messages
am @ on
For example, notice or Thoughts Jokes
48 – Disable automatic messages
am @ off
49 – Add Message
ama @ Text
50 – Remove message
amr @ Text
51 – get all the messages automatically
Get @ am
52 – Delete all messages automatically
c @ am
53 – Enable IVR
ra @ on
54 – Disable IVR
ra @ off
55 – Add a new IVR
raa @ Text
raa @ Q p = Peace be upon you% u%
56 – Remove the answer
rar @ Text
57 – get all the answers
Get @ ra
58 – A survey of all the responses
c @ ra
59 – Enable contest
qz @ on
60 – Disable contest
qz @ off
61 – normal type contest
qz @ n 
62 – type contest expulsion
qz @ k
63 – points to win the contest
qp @ Num
64 – Wins and then end the contest
qm @ Num
65 – Get all your bots
Get @ bot
66 – Remove all bots
c @ bot
67 – Send comments to the owner of the server
com @ message
68 – send a proposal to
the programmer
coder @ Message
Note: orders 1 +2 +3 writes in a special server
The rest of the orders in the Roman bots or special 
symbol% ​​u%:  
is replaced Bammel person in the welcome and farewell and IVR
